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Crown Jewels Food Safety is based on USDA’s Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and the California Department of Health Services guidance in developing an industry-wide food safety program encompassing all aspects of growing, handling, and shipping fresh fruits & vegetables.
Crown Jewels strictly adheres to guidance developed and certified by an international 3rd party audit laboratory. This 3rd party applies to each field operation evaluating and certifying standards with regards to worker safety & sanitation, cultural practices, as well as water and soil testing.

Crown Jewels Food Safety Objective
To ensure all the products we market are as free as possible from elements that might bring harm to any kind to our customers. Our intention is to apply the best available practices to prevent contamination of our products from any source.

We must be committed to this objective and our Growers, Operators, and Supply Partners must share this commitment.

Food Safety practices and procedures must be documented. We must adhere to the standard if an activity is not documented, it did not happen. Everyone involved must accept documentation of activities as an inseparable aspect of achieving our Food Safety Objective.

Food Safety practices and procedures must be carried out with absolute consistency; an objective that applies at all times.

The execution of this program requires frequent training to ensure everyone knows what they are to do, and how they are to do it. Training and documenting training is essential to achieving our objective.

Compliance with the appropriate Food Safety practices and procedures can only be confirmed through audits performed by a qualified, independent auditor. As with documentation, if it cannot be audited, there cannot be compliance.

Certain elements of the Food Safety Program require physical testing of water, soil, or product. Product/Soil testing is only done as needed per Risk Assessment. Water testing is done at least annually/bi-annually or as needed. Once the testing criteria have been established within the Program, the Grower or Operator must take responsibility for carrying out the testing consistently.

The product maintains identity throughout our system and can be tracked from the field to the retailer. We maintain clear standardized records that can be used to enhance the ability to follow the movement and traceability of products. Labeling includes identification of the grower, ranch, field/block location, harvest crew, and date/time of harvesting/packing. Documents including invoices, inventory records, bills of lading, and shipping/receiving records are all used to track our product through the supply chain.
We take pride in our growers, retailers, and customers, knowing the security of our fruits & vegetables meets the food safety standards of tomorrow, today.

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Copyright © 2021 Crown Jewels Produce Company, LLC. All rights reserved.

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